Curriculum Overview
Willow Curriculum

At Willow School, we strive to provide a range of opportunities and enriching experiences for all our pupils. Our aspiration is for every pupil to develop the knowledge and skills to succeed and thrive in the next stage of their education and into society. Our curriculum has been carefully planned and adapted to equip our pupils with a broad range of opportunities to inspire them and help them to grow and flourish.
We recognise pupil’s self-awareness, and awareness of others, develops as they mature and that this has a significant impact on their ability to relate to and learn about the world we live in. We develop interesting and appropriate enrichment experiences to help pupils to become self-aware individuals, enabling them to learn to make connections and begin to empathise with themes such as tolerance, responsibility and culture around the world.
Our curriculum has been planned to develop children’s love of reading, writing and discussion. We want to inspire everyone to be confident and happy in the art of speaking and listening and who can use discussion to communicate and further their learning.

Willow School uses Little Wandle as its phonics scheme. Pupils will be assessed on entry, which will identify where to enter the programme or if it is needed. Where it is needed, we teach phonics for up to 30 minutes a day with each session including structured elements including oral blending games.
All children will be a part of whole class reading and discussions to develop enquiry and comprehension skills. Our sessions are thematic and include a variety of picture books, poems, non-fiction and even songs. The follow up discussion allows pupils to develop a range of skills, as well as enjoying a breadth of text types.

Maths is taught on a daily basis at Willow School. This is sequenced in a clear and progressive way, with small, accessible steps for learning. It is delivered in a visual, pictorial and kinaesthetic way to enable engagement and understanding, as well as verbal discussions to develop communication.
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Our PSHE lessons are supported by The Jigsaw Programme. We enhance our offer with our well-being frameworks and strategies which are embedded across school. We provide a range of visitors, trips and celebrations to further develop our pupils’ SMSC skills and knowledge.

The World Around Us
We want everyone at our school to become enthusiastic adventurers, geographers, historians and learners. Our curriculum is designed to ensure pupils have the knowledge and awareness of the world around us and an understanding of how cultures, places and people can differ and also be the same.
Our curriculum has been designed to provide pupils the opportunity to develop skills, as well as expressing themselves and finding ways to be mindful. We nurture creativity, imagination and inventiveness. We believe that creativity gives our pupils the skills for them to express responses to ideas and experiences.

We want all children to be curious and inquisitive about the world around them. Pupils are provided with opportunities to learn, explore and apply concepts to their own lives. Pupils will be taught the scientific skills required to understand the uses of science, opening up the possibility of entering STEM professions in the future.
Our curriculum aims to educate pupils on the positive and negative ways technology can impact our lives. Pupils will learn how to maintain a positive online reputation, successfully manage online relationships, how to nurture their self-image and identity and how to keep themselves and others safe online and maintaining their own well-being.